NDIS services
What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme, or NDIS, is for eligible Australians who were either born with or acquire a permanent and significant disability.
- A ‘permanent disability’ means a person’s disability is likely to be lifelong.
- A ‘significant disability’ means a disability with a large impact on a person’s ability to complete everyday activities.
The NDIS funds reasonable and necessary supports and services that relate to a person’s disability to help them achieve their goals.
- ‘Reasonable’ means the support is most appropriately funded or provided through the NDIS.
- ‘Necessary’ means something a person needs that is related to their disability.
If you’re eligible for the NDIS and you become an NDIS participant, you will receive funding
to work towards the goals in your NDIS plan that are specific to you. Everyone has different goals, but they could include things like improving speech or communication skills through therapy, getting help for normal, everyday living activities or equipment to help you at home or in your community, learning new skills or getting and keeping a job, becoming more independent, or making friends and connections.
Once you have your individual NDIS plan, you will work with your chosen service providers, who will support you to pursue your goals. Service providers are professionals who deliver supports and services such as physiotherapy, speech therapy or occupational therapy.
Information taken from: https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/what-ndis
There are three types of management in terms of your NDIS funding, and at CGSP, we can assist both:
- Self-managed participants – this means that clients pay for their services at the clinic and then seek reimbursement from their NDIS portal
- Plan-managed participants – this means that all invoices are sent to an agreed third party who will manage your accounts. You still have full control over your services and can access your portal and balance at any time.
Our speech pathologists provide evidence-based assessment and therapy services for our NDIS clients, as well as ongoing liaison with professional, medical and educational teams. We also provide an annual or bi-annual assessment report prior to the formal NDIS review meeting which outlines the participant’s goals, progress and ongoing care needs.
Our Services
Service Delivery
Our Contacts

Secondary clinic: 19 Jack Farmer Way Traralgon Victoria 3844

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:15 pm
Sat-Sun: By appointment only