Feeding and swallowing
The mouth is used for many important functions, including eating, drinking, talking and airway management. Infants use their mouth for suckling, vocalizing, swallowing and later chewing, long before they learn to use speech. Speech pathologists are trained in understanding the structure and function of the muscles required for such tasks, to ensure safe swallowing and appropriate oral development. Individuals can present with structural abnormalities that impact feeding and swallowing (such as Cleft Lip/Palate, degenerative diseases, and tongue-tie) or functional difficulties (such as tongue thrust, mouth breathing, or a hypersensitive gag reflex.) Many of our clients also experience sensory aversions due to neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism. Our speech pathologists are trained in assessing paediatric feeding and swallowing difficulties, and understanding the relationships between oral structure/function, and sensory needs/function.
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Our Contacts

Secondary clinic: 19 Jack Farmer Way Traralgon Victoria 3844

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:15 pm
Sat-Sun: By appointment only